
is a failure of the Imagination to conceive something as possible.

It does not mean it is possible or impossible; just that we fail to imagine it as possible.

Creation is an exploration.

You start from nothing and learn as you go… It’s like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.

You will experience the Creation of that which seems Impossible to you, now.

This is a Creativity Project that delivers a wonderful, unknown, creation to the world.


We will go on a highly motivational journey that stimulates the creative process from within.

Thought-provoking and powerful principles are contained throughout the program. By applying them you will overcome obstacles and bring up to life your dreams on the path to a more fulfilling life.


Through Mindful View, Action & Livelihood you will discover how to create what seems impossible. As 'impossible' lives in your mind; it is not necessarily reality.


At the end of your journey, there will be something created by you, that is awesome, incredible, and everyone else can 'see' or admire. You will bring something that didn't exist before into the world.